Friday, October 3, 2008

Web Design Survey (A List Apart)

In regards to the A List Apart web design survey, I somehow had a feeling I had an idea on how the majority of the results would come in.  Web design is new, people are young and pick up what's "hot" in the industry, and go for it.  The interesting snippet was to me that the polar extremes of high school graduates/flunkees as being high-paid or ridiculously low were one of the niche ideas I saw in there.  What other niche ideas did you see? I wanna know.  But in regards to blogs - who doesn't? Really. Old, young, all over the continent.  Old men like to brag about what kind of duck they shot with their dog to people.  Things like that.  I actually hold back on things like this unless I see a peculiar necessity in my life that needs to draw some sort of attention to it.  Otherwise I may actually be too cool for it. Not! But another reason why a lot of users are blogging and programs like this is because it's FREE. Seriously though, a survey like this is important if a.) it's accurate and b.) because it gives potential web designers a good outlook of what they're getting themselves in to. Lastly, I see myself in the middle, too at this point once I'm out there.    

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay... I had a little bit of an issue understanding your post the first time but the second time around, after the caffeine jitters were gone, I think I got it. The old men.. duck thing, screwed with my head.

So I agree that a lot felt predictable in that it WAS pretty apparent that this was by necessity going to be a young field and that time would obviously lead to higher salaries.

As for the blogging, I've never quite understood it, its always just felt like one more thing to suck time out of your day. I was shocked at the 70 odd percent with one...

I'm never too certain that anyone really wants to sit and read about my life. Do blogs work somewhat like social networking sites in that they are a place where people discuss their similar interests? I could see a design or art blog holding my attention perhaps.